Your lawn, your landscape, our passion!
Amazing results with affordable pricing.
Offering professional lawn care services like an annual fertilization program and weed control. Unlike some other companies that only offer lawn treatments we also take care of the maintenance like mowing and shrub trimming.
Superior quality and reliability
Full-service lawn service company servicing the treasure valley with your total lawn care needs. We don’t do contracts and our competitors cannot beat our full-service lawn program prices. we also offer a money back guarantee for our new customers. If for any reason you're not happy with our services, we’ll go back and try to correct the issue and if still unsatisfied we will refund your money for that service. There is absolutely no risk to try us out.
What We Do
We are a full-service lawn care company that takes on any maintenance needs for your property and offer the following services
Weekly mowing has several benefits for your lawns health and appearance.
Let The Lawn Squad maintain your lawn through the year. We do more than cut the grass we will cut to the appropriate height and adjust our mow patterns weekly.
Benefits include the following:
Promotes healthy growth
Helps prevent weeds
Uniform appearance
Stimulates root growth
Encourages lateral growth
Reduces pest habitat
Mitigates lawn disease risk
Grass clippings can be left on the lawn for mulch, which will decompose and mix with the soil to enrich it, improving the overall health and appearance of the grass.
Feed your lawn the nutrients its missing.
If you want a healthier and greener lawn let us, take care of it with professional grade fertilizer. Our professional fertilizer program not only feeds the lawn the nutrients its missing but also controls weeds, insects, and crabgrass. Unlike other lawn service companies, we don't require prepayment or an annual contract. Our pricing is very competitive and i am sure we can save u money with your lawn care needs.
Benefits include the following:​
Influences the color and richness of your grass.
Helps your grass recover from stress.
Helps prevent weeds and disease from ravaging your lawn.
Feeding your lawn 4 to five times a year gives grass the nutrients it needs for deep roots and thick full blades
we also offer fertilization for your shrubs and perennials
Low maintenance weed control.
We offer pre-emergent herbicide that is safe to put around any plant or grass. This Professional herbicide has up to an 8-month life span that stops the germination of weeds making this approach more cost effective and eco-friendly. Also offer biweekly or monthly spot treatments for any weeds that pop up.
Fair Prices, Guaranteed
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